We are a family company. Follow our story

Dr. Nemat Ahmadi

About the directors of the family company

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Our father Dr. Nemat Ahmadi the founder of LOEEN was born on a farm in small village in the south East of Iran (Kerman province). As an adolescent he had a quest for history and social justice to the point that he entered law school at Tehran University, at the age of 17 and continued to become an attorney at law and a law and history professor.

But his true love was land and while, as an attorney and prolific writer and historian, he defended many voiceless, but honorable people. He created LOEEN brand, in doing so he found his love, and employed over 100 people.As an academia, attorney at law and employer, he always treated them with love and dignity like a father.As a historian, he believed in history as a foundation for preservation of human dignity.

If you listen to the song “Imagin” you’ll have a better understanding of who Dr. Nemat Ahmadi was.We hope you’ll join us as a satisfied customer and a family member.Sincerely yours;

Founder Dr. Nemat Ahmadi 1955-2023

My Mom Soheila, my sister Rasha, my husband Iman and I Rama.

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The daughter of the Ahmadi family is the founder and CEO of LOEEN SWISS company based in Geneva, Switzerland. She initially learned about the cultivation and processing of pistachios when she was a young child, going to Pistachios orchards with her father. Her interest in this field led her to pursue her academic studies in the field of food science to a doctorate degree in collaboration with University of Geneva. Using her knowledge and expertise in the field of food science, she conducts research and development to produce new products for the company. Dr, Rama Ahmadi provides the lates import regulations to the company and assures that the farm’s imported products will comply with EU and Swiss regulations.

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The son-in-law of Ahmadi family, founder and COO of LOEEN SWISS Co, holds a doctorate in international business from European university in Geneva and has extensive knowledge and experience, customs affairs and negotiation.

These attribution have enabled LOEEN to supply its from products to the largest chain stores and food suppliers in Europe and Switzerland.

History of LOEEN

History of LOEEN Swiss Trade & Development Company.

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To the extent of loeen

LOEEN is a family run business on more than 200 hectares of pistachio farm land in Saveh, Iran since 1993.Throughout the years LOEEN has gained a reputation in the local market for its quality and has created many jobs for the local community

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Scientific and modern

LOEEN has deployed and manged scientific and modern technology in production, growthand harvest of pistachio to maintain high quality in taste and freshness of the end product Advanced machineries are used in hulling, washing, drying and sorting.Our pistachios are certified for not having Aflatoxin prior to roasting

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Global view

Switzerland is well known for its wonderful mountains, luxury watches and chocolates. It is also renowned for the traditional Swiss values of democracy,punctuality,efficiency,first‌‌‌‌ class‌‌‌‌‌service, highest standard of quality and precision.This is called “Swissness”.When Swissness is applied to products and services in International level, it creates a uniqueness,which cannot be beaten by any standard anywhere in the World.

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LOEEN Family decided to establish LOEEN SWISS TRADE & DEVELOPMENT
Company in 2022 in Geneva, in the spirit of Swissness

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Dried fruits by Loeen might include products like raisins, dried apricots, dates, figs, and more. These are often marketed as healthy snacks rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals

57 rue de Lausanne,1202 Genève, Switzerland



